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Creating a Good Looking ReadME for your GitHub Profile

My GitHub Profile’s readME

Yes, I know!

Yes, yes, I know this has been known for quite a while already but guess what? I was one of the first bloggers to talk about it when it was first announced back then. However, this is a new blog, a new domain and I had to start again; here I go again talking about this feature given to us by GitHub!

What is a readME?

Let’s begin by mentioning its most important feature which is accepting markdown syntax. This syntax when used, makes it easier to write Html tags in documents that required it. For example, a code block would look something like this:

// The good old code tags
// The good old pre tags

As seen in the code above, each tag requires at least 3 letters plus the opening and closing arrows. Markdown in other hand works like a charm by allowing us to short the elements to this syntax:

// The good old code tags
// The good old pre tags

The same goes with the rest of Html tags that are always needed when creating projects from scratch; it can be a website for the browser; it can be a desktop application made with Java, C#, Phyton or just a simple snippet that requires many many lines of code just to be posted in X article.

Markdown, as mentioned before, shortens this process amazingly and its learning curve its not hard at all!. Try it out!.

Making your readME

With that being said, the way to create a markdown text is by creating a document with the extension of .md , a good example would be

From there on, editing the file is as easy as with any other type of document format. The difference again is making sure to follow the syntax, otherwise, all the content will be fetched as paragraphs instead of displaying said data with the corresponding Html tags.

However… as much as I would like to continue to write about its syntax, there are thousands of articles on Internet that aim to teach us all about it and since there are many, all of them are always similar in one way or another so instead of being another one of those blogger who mostly repeat themselves, I decided to share the most valuable resource, its official documentation website, Markdown Guide.

What I can talk about is a website that aims to give us a few pre-made blocks that we can drag between Windows to design a beautiful readME. Check out Bye Bye 👋👋👋

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